Core Yoga At The Firestation

I sat down with Megan Chacos of Core Yoga at The Fire Station to learn more about her studio. Originally from Oklahoma, Megan says she never wants to leave East Texas. Lucky for us Megan has made a big impact here in Marshall, TX by opening up Core Yoga in the original fire station building. What a cool building it is. Upstairs the yoga studio is situated where the barracks once were. The view is remarkable as you can see the courthouse, downtown and the picturesque sky as you practice yoga. When she first saw the space it was being used as a storage room. Megan was able to see the potential and together with her husband and a friend they transformed the place by refinishing hardwood floors to their original glory, painting and adding comforts like heating/cooling. You can feel the history in the building and I think it is a brilliant thing to bring such an amazing space back to life.

Passion is something Megan brings to work with her everyday. She has been practicing yoga for about 4 years but her connection to it and her students is cemented. She gained her teacher certification in Ft. Worth and more recently in Georgia where she learned the wonders of trapeze yoga. I can say from first hand trapeze experience, I haven’t had that much fun since I don’t know when. The studio is home to 7 teachers and a variety of yoga styles are offered. Megan reminds us that anyone can participate in any class with some minor adjustments to various poses. This is apparent when I attend class and see a range of all ages and abilities encouraging one another. That is one of the beautiful things about yoga. It’s not a competition. It’s all inclusive and full of positive energy. Where else can you enjoy that feeling and benefit from exercise at the same time?

Megan’s advice for beginners is everyone was a beginner once. Don’t be intimidated by yoga whether you are a first timer or haven’t been to a class in years. Megan, along with the other teachers at Core Yoga are invested in making it a positive experience for you. She has a multitude of tools at your disposal to help. These include blocks, straps, mats, blankets and more. Unlike most exercise programs you don’t need expensive shoes, clothing or props. Everything you need is available at the studio.

This is obviously a labor of love for Megan because she keeps class prices beyond reasonable. She is easily accessible on social media and has answered all my questions promptly. I have had nothing short of terrific customer service since I have started attending class. Yoga is so much more than improving your balance, flexibility and strength. It also brings increased mental clarity and reduces stress. You can challenge yourself as much or as little as you would like. It is one of the most therapeutic activities I can think of and classes are offered 6 days per week. If you are waiting for a sign or some encouragement to be kinder to yourself, try yoga. It’s life-changing.

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