Gardening Helps Kids Grow

Spring is so close you can almost taste all those fresh berries and veggies that follow. I love living in a place that gives us a fairly long growing season. For the record we are in Zone 8. With a last frost date of April 1st and first frost date of December 1st. These dates […]
Melinda’s Studio Of Music

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Melinda Boyd of Melinda’s Studio Of Music to learn more about her. Born and raised in Elysian Fields, Melinda can’t remember a time she didn’t play an instrument. In fact, her parents were both actively involved playing in their church and in the community. The draw to […]
Caddo Lake State Park

Our first visit to Caddo Lake State Park began with a Junior Ranger program hosted by Ranger Kelsey. She had a table set up by the boat ramp with native animal skulls and pelts. It was a chilly day but she managed to keep all the kids and parents alike interested in the Skull Detective […]
Starr Family Home

We visited the Starr Family Home over the Christmas holiday to partake in crafts, story-time and cookie decorating. We were so impressed by the beautiful grounds, informative staff and the history behind one of Marshall’s most prominent families. Barbara graciously spent time with us answering our questions and introducing us to the family and their […]
The Pet Place In Marshall, TX

Our daughter has one of those birth dates that elicits an, “I’m sorry” from most people. Born the day after Christmas we have made different attempts over the years at making sure she feels like her birthday isn’t overshadowed by the biggest holiday of the year. When she was really young she just thought the […]
Joseph’s Riverport BBQ

This was our second attempt to visit Joseph’s. The first time they closed early because they ran out of food. A good sign if you ask me but some of the reviews on Yelp say otherwise. Folks need to keep in mind this is a small establishment that uses fresh ingredients and when it’s gone, […]

You know I love a good teaching opportunity for our daughter. While I consider our kiddo to be an empathetic and caring little human when I asked her what part of Christmas excited her the most she said, “presents!” Who can blame her? Receiving gifts IS a lot of fun, whether you are nearly 5 […]
Marshall Public Library

We traveled here pretty light and what we did keep was locked in a storage unit hundreds of miles away. One of the things we missed the most were our daughters books. We were all missing that part of our nightly routine and without our books we were subjected to nightly dance parties to the […]
Historic Jefferson Railway

As parents we have learned kids are more cooperative when given choices. Today we gave Aria the choice between a train ride and a boat ride. She picked a train ride so off to Jefferson we went for a ride and to (hopefully) feed the alligators. There was plenty of parking. At the train depot […]
Trinity Groves

I can see Trinity Groves being the model that more cities will adapt. It’s a cool concept that takes former industrial warehouses and revamps them to house restaurants, retail businesses and eventually office and residential space. It’s a one stop shop where everyone can choose what they want to eat from a variety of options […]